/.../ contains the active substance moxifloxacin which belongs to a group of antibiotics called fluoroquinolones. /.../ works by killing bacteria that cause infections.
/.../ is used in patients of 18 years and older for treating the following bacterial infections, when caused by bacteria against which moxifloxacin is active. /.../ should only be used to treat these infections when usual antibiotics cannot be used or have not worked:
- Infection of the sinuses, sudden worsening of long term inflammation of the airways or infection of the lungs (pneumonia) acquired outside the hospital (except severe cases)
- Mild to moderate infections of the female upper genital tract (pelvic inflammatory disease), including infectons of the fallopian tubes and infections of the uterus mucous membrane /.../ are not sufficient fore sole therapy of this kind of infections and therefore, another antibiotic in addition to /.../ should be prescribed by your doctor for the treatment of infections of the female upper genital tract (see section 2 “What you need to know before you take /.../”, “Warnings and precautions”, “Talk to your doctor before taking /.../ ”).
If the following bacterial infections have shown improvement during initial treatment with moxifloxacin solution for infusion, /.../ may also be prescribed by your doctor to complete the course of therapy:
- Infection of the lungs (pneumonia) acquired outside the hospital
- Infections of the skin and soft tissue
/.../ should not be used to initiate therapy for any type of infections of the skin and soft tissue or in severe infections of the lungs.