Always take medication on time

With the medikamio app, you can be reminded to take your medication and have package inserts at hand at all times.

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medikamio App Screen Dashboard
Your personal schedule

Your personal schedule

With medikamio, you can plan the intake of your medication, measurements such as blood pressure or your workout in a completely individual and uncomplicated way and be reminded on time by means of notifications on your smartphone.

medikamio app screen personal schedule
Revenue at a glance

Revenue at a glance

With medikamio, you always have an up-to-date overview of your (non-) takings and the values of your measurements. With the app, you also have your personal overview quickly and easily at hand at your next doctor's appointment.

medikamio App Screen Daily Reports
Package insert always with you

Package insert always with you

With medikamio, you have the package inserts of over 30,000 medications at your fingertips at all times and can find out about the correct use, possible side effects, and interactions anytime and anywhere.

medikamio App Screen Package Insert

Our vision

"Our vision is to support patients and physicians through reliable, up-to-date and user-friendly technologies to quickly view relevant drug information and thereby make taking medications easier and safer in the long term."

Dr. med. univ. Bernhard Peuker, M.Sc., Medical Advisor

Our certifications

We have our information platform certified on a regular basis because we set high quality standards for ourselves and to give you the assurance that you can trust our health information.

The central concern of afgis e.V. is to improve health information on the Internet. afgis has therefore developed standards and rules to check the trustworthiness of online and health offerings. meets the afgis criteria.To the certificate

HONcode certification is awarded to audited websites that provide health information. The focus is on providing readers with ethical, accurate and reliable health information. follows the HONcode standard.


medikamio is a free and secure health app with medication reminder function. Your personal data will not be shared and will be treated absolutely anonymously and confidentially. Your information only helps us to improve your user experience with the app.

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Your personal medicine assistent

afgis-Qualitätslogo mit Ablauf Jahr/Monat: Mit einem Klick auf das Logo öffnet sich ein neues Bildschirmfenster mit Informationen über medikamio GmbH & Co KG und sein/ihr Internet-Angebot: This website is certified by Health On the Net Foundation. Click to verify.

Search our database for drugs, sorted from A-Z with their effects and ingredients.


All substances with their common uses, chemical components and medical products which contain them.


Causes, symptoms and treatment for the most common diseases and injuries.

The contents shown do not replace the original package insert of the medicinal product, especially with regard to dosage and effect of the individual products. We cannot assume any liability for the correctness of the data, as the data was partly converted automatically. A doctor should always be consulted for diagnoses and other health questions. Further information on this topic can be found here.