
The most common diseases and injuries from A for Alzheimer's to Z for cysts.

Diseases from A-Z

At medikamio you will find up-to-date descriptions of the most common diseases and injuries. Find out about their causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatments and prognoses. All content is created for you by medical and scientific editors.

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Chronic gastritis

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Underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism)

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Diffuse hair loss (alopecia diffusa)

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Esophageal cancer (esophageal carcinoma)

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Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)

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Gallstones (cholelithiasis)

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Meningitis, bacterial

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Headache (cephalgia)

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Abdominal pain - acute

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Browse our extensive database of medications from A-Z, including effects, side effects, and dosage.


All active ingredients with their effects, applications, and side effects, as well as the medications they are contained in.


Symptoms, causes, and treatments for common diseases and injuries.

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The presented content does not replace the original package insert of the medication, especially regarding the dosage and effects of individual products. We cannot assume liability for the accuracy of the data, as the data has been partially converted automatically. Always consult a doctor for diagnoses and other health-related questions.

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