Acute hepatitis:
The symptoms of acute hepatitis vary. Sometimes it can also happen that despite proven infection no symptoms of the disease occur. In children, the course of hepatitis is usually milder.
Early phase:
Characteristic of the early phase are fatigue, general feeling of illness, fever, nausea, changes in taste, aversion to certain foods, and pain below the right ribcage. This is due to the liver becoming slightly enlarged. Muscle pain, joint pain, headache, and skin rash may also occur.
Jaundice stage:
At the beginning of this stage of the disease, there is initially a yellowing of the sclerae (whites of the eye), and later the skin and mucous membranes also turn yellow. The urine takes on a conspicuously dark colour, while the stool becomes increasingly discoloured. In addition, there is increased itching during jaundice. The other symptoms decrease at the same time.
Recovery phase (convalescence phase):
During the recovery phase of hepatitis, the patient suffers from fatigue and exhaustion. This may last for several weeks to months.
Chronic hepatitis:
The symptoms of chronic hepatitis have similarities to those of acute hepatitis. At times, patients may not show any symptoms in this case either. Symptoms may include:
- Fatigue, increased need for sleep, joint and muscle pain.
- Slight tenderness below the right costal arch, due to the enlarged liver
- Jaundice may occur as a late symptom. If this feature occurs, the disease is already well advanced.