Raynaud's syndrome is a functional circulatory disorder in which vessels in the fingers and toes contract like cramps. These spasms, also known as vasospasms, lead to a reduced blood supply in the affected areas. Raynaud's syndrome is often caused by stress or cold.
The risk of developing Raynaud's syndrome is five times higher for women than for men. The symptoms usually appear after puberty and improve until menopause. Raynaud's syndrome can be divided into 2 forms:
Primary Raynaud 's syndrome occurs idiopathically, so it is not known what causes are behind this form of the disease.
Secondary Ray naud's syndrome occurs as a result of other diseases, especially diseases with inflammatory changes in the vessel wall, such as scleroderma and lupus erythematosus. But also injuries or the excessive intake of certain drugs or toxic substances can trigger the secondary form.