Salmonella is a type of bacteria and has a rod-shaped appearance. There are many different types of salmonellae, which can all lead to various diseases. Basically, salmonellae can be divided into the group of typhoid salmonellae and the group of enteritis salmonellae.
Not all Salmonella species cause disease in humans. Salmonella from the enteritis group usually cause diarrhea, and salmonella from the typhoid group cause typhoid and paratyphoid fever.
In most cases, antibiotic treatment is not necessary for infections with salmonella, as they almost always heal on their own. However, drug therapy should be considered for small children and babies, as well as for elderly people and people with a weakened immune system, because they have a higher risk of Salmonella infections taking a complicated course. In these risk groups, the immune system is not strong enough or stomach acid production is too low to destroy the bacteria. Reduced stomach acid production is also the reason why drugs that inhibit stomach acid promote salmonella infections.