
ATC CodeD01AE14, G01AX12
CAS number29342-05-0
PUB number2749
Drugbank IDDB01188
Empirical formulaC12H17NO2
Molar mass (g·mol−1)207,27
Physical statesolid
Density (g·cm−3)1,2±0,1
Melting point (°C)144
Boiling point (°C)1440


Ciclopirox is a drug from the antifungal group. Chemically, the drug is a derivative of pyridone. Ciclopirox is a drug with a broad spectrum of activity. It is therefore effective against a wide range of pathogenic fungi. It is applied locally in the form of ointments or suppositories. It is also used as a salt in the form of ciclopiroxolamine. In addition, ciclopirox is used as an active component in medicinal shampoos.



Ciclopirox has the property to bind metal cations (e.g.: Fe3+ or Al3+) in chelate complexes. This inhibits the activity of certain enzymes (cytochromes), which disrupts the energy supply of the fungus and causes it to die. In addition, the drug decreases the stability of the fungi's plasma membranes, making it highly likely that they will collapse.


Ciclopirox is applied topically (superficially) only. Approximately 5% of the applied amount is absorbed through the skin. Plasma protein binding is approximately 95%. Ciclopirox is rendered ineffective and broken down in the liver by a process called glucuronidation. Finally, it is excreted in the urine. The plasma half-life is 1.7 hours on average.

Drug Interactions

No interactions with other substances are known.


Side effects

Side effects after the application of ciclopirox are very rare. However, in some cases, skin reactions may occur at the site of application (redness, itching, burning).

Toxicological data

LD50 (rat, oral) : >10 ml/kg

Markus Falkenstätter, BSc

Markus Falkenstätter, BSc

Mag. pharm. Stefanie Lehenauer

Mag. pharm. Stefanie Lehenauer


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