Fusidic acid

Fusidic acid


Fusidic acid is an antibiotic obtained by the fermentation of a certain fungus. It is mainly used locally for infections of the eyes and skin. It is mainly effective against gram-positive bacteria. In some cases, fusidic acid may also be given orally or as an infusion.

Fusidic acid is available by prescription and in most cases is given as a cream or ointment. In tablet form, it is available as the salt sodium fusidate.



Fusidic acid has a bacteriostatic effect, i.e. it only inhibits the growth of the pathogens. This relieves the immune system and can kill the bacteria themselves. The exact mechanism of action is based on the inhibition of protein biosynthesis of the bacteria. It binds to the elongation factor G in the ribosomes and thus prevents the elongation of the amino acid chain (basic building blocks of proteins).


Fusidic acid has a very high oral bioavailability of approximately 91%. It is 99% bound to plasma proteins in the blood and has a plasma half-life of 5-6 hours in adults. Fusidic acid is broken down in the cells of the liver and then excreted by the kidneys.


Side effectsWhen

used on the skin may cause local reactions such as burning, redness and itching. With systemic treatment, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, fatigue, drowsiness and weight loss.

Bei der äusserlichen Behandlung sind lokale Reaktionen wie Brennen, Juckreiz, Stechen, Rötungen und allergische Reaktionen möglich. Zu den häufigsten möglichen unerwünschten Wirkungen der innerlichen Behandlung gehören Übelkeit, Durchfall, Unterbauchschmerzen, Erbrechen, Unwohlsein, Müdigkeit, Schwäche, Benommenheit und Gewichtsverlust.

Toxikologische Daten

LD50, Maus, Oral: 1500 mg/kg

Chemical & physical properties

ATC Code D06AX01, D09AA02, J01XC01, S01AA13
Formula C31H48O6
Molar Mass (g·mol−1) 516,71
Physical State solid
Melting Point (°C) 192–193
PKS Value 5.35
CAS Number 6990-06-3
PUB Number 3000226
Drugbank ID DB02703

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Markus Falkenstätter, BSc

Markus Falkenstätter, BSc

Markus Falkenstätter is a writer on pharmaceutical topics in Medikamio's medical editorial team. He is in the last semester of his pharmacy studies at the University of Vienna and loves scientific work in the field of natural sciences.

Mag. pharm. Stefanie Lehenauer

Mag. pharm. Stefanie Lehenauer

Stefanie Lehenauer has been a freelance writer for Medikamio since 2020 and studied pharmacy at the University of Vienna. She works as a pharmacist in Vienna and her passion is herbal medicines and their effects.

The content of this page is an automated and high-quality translation from DeepL. You can find the original content in German here.


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