
CAS number520-26-3
PUB number10621
Drugbank IDDB04703
Empirical formulaC28H34O15
Molar mass (g·mol−1)610,56
Physical statesolid
Melting point (°C)258–262


Hesperidin is a naturally occurring substance that belongs to the group of flavonoids. Within this group of substances it belongs to the flavanones. Hesperidin is composed of the flavone hesperitin and the sugar rutoside. As the main flavonoid, it is mainly found in the mesocarp of citrus fruit peels. Hesperidin was first isolated from bitter orange peels by the French pharmacist Lebreton in 1828.


  • Chronic venous insufficiency
  • Edema
  • leg ulcer

Administration is exclusively oral.



Hesperidin is mainly used in combination with diosmin, which also belongs to the flavonoids, for the treatment of venous complaints such as varicose veins. The effect is mainly based on the antioxidant effects of the flavonoids. In addition, the substance causes lymphatic drainage and an increase in venous tone to a lesser extent.

Clinical studies also indicate a positive effect in the treatment of hemorrhoids, as well as high cholesterol levels.


Toxicological data

1000 mg-kg-1 (LD50, mouse, i.p.)

Markus Falkenstätter, BSc

Markus Falkenstätter, BSc

Mag. pharm. Stefanie Lehenauer

Mag. pharm. Stefanie Lehenauer


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